Friday, June 14, 2019

Schedule for June 15-24

This time I double-checked the calendar to make sure I have the dates correct... that being said, double-check for me to make sure I haven't goofed up.

Saturday, June 15: Practice 8:30-10:00

Monday, June 17: Youth Camp (grades 3-8) 3-5 PM. Helpers: Chase, Ira, Owen, Caden, Jonah, Ridge. Varsity shooting workout 5:15-6:30 (arrive by 5 PM). AM weights.

Tuesday, June 18: Youth Camp 3-5 PM. Helpers: Chase, Cody, Zack Kelly, Austin, Cannon. Varsity practice 5:15-7:00 (arrive by 5 PM).

Wednesday, June 19: Youth Camp 3-5 PM. Helpers: Cody, Zack, Ridge, Kelly, JR, Owen. Varsity shooting workout 5:15-6:30 (arrive by 5 PM). Frosh/soph practice 7:00-8:30. AM weights.

Thursday, June 20: Youth Camp 3-5 PM. Helpers: Cannon, Noah, Austin, JR, Jonah, Caden. Varsity practice 5:15-7:00 (arrive by 5 PM). Tentative frosh/soph practice 7:00-8:30.

Friday, June 21: Off. Weights, and shooting on your own.

Saturday, June 22: Practice VARSITY ONLY 4-6 PM.

Monday, June 24: Varsity practice 6:30-8:00 PM, sophomore practice 7:00-8:30 PM.

Tuesday, June 25-29: Rocky Mountain Showcase, times TBA.

Saturday, June 29: Varsity team party, time TBA.

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